Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions and sub-session of this conference. Please select a date or session to show only sub-sessions at that day or location. Please select a single sub-session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in CEST. The current conference time is: 16th June 2023, 05:13:57pm CEST

Only Sessions at Location/Venue 
Session Overview
Session: Room B Oral
Date: Monday, 17/Oct/2022
Session: Room B Oral
Chair: Prof. Evangelos Spyrakos
Chair: Prof. Xiaofeng Yang

ID. 57979 MAC-OS
ID. 59193 EO Products 4 Users

11:00am - 11:30am

Oral Presentation

ReSCCoME: Remote Sensing of Changing Marine Coastal Environments

Martin Gade1, Xiaoming Li2, Tong Jia2, Merete Badger3, Abdalmenem Owda3, Andrea Marinoni4, Konstantinos Topouzelis5, Sorin Constantin6, Haijun Yang7, Kan Zeng8, Anmin Zhang9, Lijian Shi10

1: Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; 2: Aerospace Information Reasearch Institute, Beijing, China; 3: Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark; 4: The Arctic University of Norway, Tromso, Norway; 5: University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece; 6: University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania; 7: Hainan Tropical Ocean University, Sanya, China; 8: Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China; 9: Tianjin University, Tianjin, China; 10: National Satellite Ocean Application Service, Bejing, China

11:30am - 12:00pm

Oral Presentation

Monitoring Harsh Coastal Environments And Ocean Surveillance Using Radar Remote Sensing

Ferdinando Nunziata1, Xiaofeng Yang2

1: University of Napoli Parthenope, Italy; 2: State Key Laboratory of remote Sensing Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China

12:00pm - 12:30pm

Oral Presentation

Innovative User-Relevant Satellite Products For Coastal And Transitional Waters

Evangelos Spyrakos1, Junsheng Li2, Shenglei Wang2, Yingcheng Lu3, Shaojie Sun4, Ziyao Yin2, Ya Xie2, Jesus Torres Palenzuela5, Luis Gonzalez Vilas6, Yolanda Pazos7, Dalin Jiang1, Ruth O'Donnell8, Adriana Constantinescu9, Conor McGlinchey9, Mortimer Werther1, Andrew Tyler1

1: Earth and Planetary Observation Science, University of Stirling, United Kingdom; 2: Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; 3: Nanjing University, China; 4: Sun Yat-Sen University, China; 5: Applied Physics, Universidade de Vigo, Spain; 6: Instituto di Scinze Marine, CNR-ISMAR, Italy; 7: Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do Medio Mariño de Galicia, Spain; 8: School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 9: National Institute for Research and Development of Marine Geology and Geoecology, Romania

Date: Tuesday, 18/Oct/2022
2.1.2: COASTAL ZONES & OCEANS (cont.)
Session: Room B Oral
Chair: Dr. Antonio Pepe
Chair: Prof. Jingsong Yang

ID. 58009 Synergistic Monitoring 4 Oceans
ID. 58290 Multi-Sensors 4 Cyclones

8:30am - 9:00am

Oral Presentation

The ESA Dragon V GREENISH Project for the Monitoring of Coastal and Water Bodies Environments Changes: Experiments and Preliminarily Results

Antonio Pepe1,2, Fabiana Calò1, Pietro Mastro2, Carmine Serio2, Guido Masiello2, Francesco Falabella1,2,3, Fusun Balik Sanli4, Mustafa Ustuner5, Saygin Abdikan6, Caglar Bayik7, Nevin Betul Avsar7, Jiavy Pan8,9,10, Adam Devlin8,9,10, Tianliang Yang11,12,13, Jinxin Lin11,12,13, Xinlei Huang11,12,13, Yixian Tang14, Chao Wang14, Kun Tan15,16,17, Wen Chen15,16,17, Jingijng Wang15,16,17, Peng Chen15,16,17, Zhengjie Li15,16,17, Chengfang Yao15,16,17, Qing Zhao15

1: Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA), Italian National Research Council, 328, Diocleziano, 80124 Napoli, Italy; 2: School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, 85100 Potenza, Italy; 3: Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA), Italian National Research Council, Tito Scalo, 85050 Potenza, Italy; 4: Department of Geomatic Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, 34220 Istanbul, Turkey; 5: Department of Geomatic Engineering, Artvin Çoruh University, 08100 Artvin, Turkey; 6: Department of Geomatics Engineering, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe Ankara, Turkey; 7: Department of Geomatics Engineering, Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University, 67100 Zonguldak, Turkey; 8: Key Lab of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research of Ministry of Education, Nanchang 330022, China; 9: School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China; 10: Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, China; 11: Key Laboratory of Land Subsidence Monitoring and Prevention, Ministry of Land and Resources, Shanghai 200072, China; 12: Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Land Subsidence, Shanghai 200072, China; 13: Shanghai Institute of Geological Survey, Shanghai 200072, China; 14: Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); Beijing, China; 15: Key Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China; 16: School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 17: Key Laboratory of Spatial-Temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai 200241, China

9:00am - 9:30am

Oral Presentation

Some Progresses of Synergistic Monitoring of Ocean Dynamic Environment from Multi-Sensors

Jingsong Yang1, He Wang2, Huimin Li3, Lin Ren1, Romain Husson4, Bertrand Chapron5

1: State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Hangzhou, China; 2: National Ocean Technology Center, MNR, Tianjin, China; 3: Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China; 4: Collecte Localisation Satellites, Plouzané, France; 5: Laboratoire d’Océanographie Physique et Spatiale (LOPS), IFREMER, Plouzané, France

9:30am - 10:00am

Oral Presentation

First Quasi-Synchronous Hurricane Quad-Polarization Observations by C-band Radar Constellation Mission and RADARSAT-2

Biao Zhang1, Alexis Mouche2, William Perrie3

1: Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, China, People's Republic of; 2: Ifremer, Université Brest, CNRS, IRD, Laboratoire d'Océanographie Physique et Spatiale, Brest, France; 3: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Canada

2.1.3: COASTAL ZONES & OCEANS (cont.)
Session: Room B Oral
Chair: Dr. Lotfi Aouf
Chair: Dr. Jungang Yang

ID. 58900 Monitoring China Seas by RA
ID. 59373 Multi-sensors 4 Internal Waves
ID. 59310 Multi-sensors 4 Disasters
ID. 59329 EO & DL 4 Ocean Parameters 

Finishes at 12:20 CEST, 18:20 CST

10:20am - 10:50am

Oral Presentation

Research on Ocean Wave Satellite Remote Sensing Products Based on Altimeters, CFOSAT SWIM and Sentinel-1 SAR Data

Jungang Yang1, Ole Baltazar Andersen2, Yongjun Jia3, Wei Cui1, Chenqing Fan1, Shengjun Zhang4

1: The First Institute of Oceangraphy, MNR, Qingdao, China; 2: Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark; 3: National Satellite Ocean Application Service, MNR, Beijing, China; 4: School of Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China

10:50am - 11:20am

Oral Presentation

A SAR Internal Wave Amplitude Inversion Algorithm Based on Euler Numerical Simulation

Kan Zeng1, HengYu Li1, BingZhi He1, Werner Alpers2, MingXia He1

1: Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China; 2: University Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

11:20am - 11:50am

Oral Presentation

Monitoring Of Marine Environment Disasters Using CFOSAT, HY Series And Sentinel Series Satellite Data

JianQiang Liu1, Jing Ding1,2, Daniele Hauser3, François Schmitt4

1: National Satellite Ocean Application Service, China, People's Republic of; 2: Key Laboratory of Space Ocean Remote Sensing and Application, MNR; 3: CNRS/LATMOS, Guyancourt, France; 4: CNRS/Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences, Wimereux, France

11:50am - 12:20pm

Oral Presentation

On the Assimilation of Wide Swath SWH and Directional Wave Observations : A Synergy between HY2B-2C, CFOSAT and Sentinel-1 Missions

Lotfi Aouf1, Jiuke Wang2, Danièle Hauser3

1: Meteo France, France; 2: NMEFC; 3: LATMOS/IPSL

Date: Thursday, 20/Oct/2022
Session: Room B Oral
Chair: Dr. Wolfgang Dierking
Chair: Prof. Xi Zhang

ID. 57889 Multi-Sensors 4 Arctic Sea Ice
ID. 59199 RS 4 Ecohydrological Modelling
ID. 59295 Cyrosphere Dynamics TPE

8:30am - 9:00am

Oral Presentation

Mid-Term Results of the Dragon 5 Project on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data for Arctic Sea Ice Monitoring

Xi Zhang1, Wolfgang Dierking2,3, Li-jian Shi4, Marko Mäkynen5, Rasmus Tonboe6, Juha Karvonen5, Meijie Liu7

1: First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China, People's Republic of; 2: Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany; 3: Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway; 4: National Satellite Ocean Application Service, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing, China; 5: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland; 6: Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark; 7: Qingdao University, Qingdao, China

9:00am - 9:30am

Oral Presentation

Satellite Observations of the Asian Water Tower Hydrology Drive New Hyper-Resolution Eco-Hydrological Models

Massimo Menenti1,2, Evan Miles3, Shaoting Ren1,4, Pascal Buri3, Jing Zhang1, Achille Jouberton3, Junru Jia1, Thomas Shaw3, Lian Liu4, Mike McCarthy3, Qiuxia Xie1, Stefan Fugger3, Catriona Fyffe3, Yubao Qiu1, Li Jia1, Francesca Pellicciotti3

1: Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; 2: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; 3: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Switzerland; 4: Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

9:30am - 10:00am

Oral Presentation

Glacier, Ice Sheet, And Sea Ice Motion Observations Based On Sentinel-1 And 2 Imagery

Gang Li1, Chen Xiao1, Chen Zhuoqi1, Hui Lin2, Hooper Andrew3

1: School of Geospatial Engineering and Science, Sun Yat-sen University, China; 2: Key Lab of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research of Ministry of Education, School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, China; 3: School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK

Session: Room B Oral
Chair: Dr. Tobias Bolch
Chair: Prof. Donghai Zheng

ID. 59344 Multi-sensors 4 Glaciers in HMA
ID. 59312 X-freq. Mw Data 4 Water Cycle
ID. 59316 RT RS Data 4 River Basins

10:20am - 10:50am

Oral Presentation

Seasonal accumulation pattern in High Mountain Asia estimated from synthetic aperture radar

Lei Huang1, Tobias Bolch2, Xin Li3

1: Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; 2: University of St Andrews; 3: Institute of Tibet Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

10:50am - 11:20am

Oral Presentation

Multi-Frequency Microwave Remote Sensing of Global Water Cycle and Its Continuity from Space (2nd year progress)

Jiancheng Shi1, Yann Kerr2, Tianjie Zhao3, Nemesio Rodriguez-Fernandez2, Panpan Yao3, Zhiqing Peng3, Rui Li3, Jinmei Pan3

1: National Space Science Center (NSSC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of; 2: Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère, France; 3: Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of

11:20am - 11:50am

Oral Presentation

Prototype Real-time Remote Sensing Land Data Assimilation Along The Silk Road Endorheic River Basins And Eurocordex-domain

Xin Li1, Harry Vereecken2, Donghai Zheng1, Harrie-jan hendricks Franssen2, Min Feng1, Carsten Montzka2

1: Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of; 2: Institute of Bio- and Geosciences: Agrosphere (IBG-3), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany

Date: Friday, 21/Oct/2022
Session: Room B Oral
Chair: Dr. Herve Yesou
Chair: Prof. Tao Che

ID. 59343 CAL/VAL 4 EO C&H Products
ID. 58815 Clim. Change on Yangtze Basin

Finishes at 09:30 CEST, 15:30 CST

8:30am - 9:00am

Oral Presentation

Validation And Calibration Of Remote Sensing Products Of Cryosphere And Hydrology

Tao Che1, Jouni Pulliainen2, Heye Bogena3

1: Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; 2: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finish; 3: Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

9:00am - 9:30am

Oral Presentation

Afforestation Aggravates Water Conflicts During Continuous And Intensifying Drought In Humid Areas

Jianzhong Lu1, Liang Zheng1, Xiaoling Chen1, Herve Yesou2, Juliane Huth3

1: State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China; 2: ICUBE SERTIT, University Strasbourg, France; 3: Earth Observation Center of the German Aerospace Center, DLR, Wessling, Germany

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