Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions and sub-session of this conference. Please select a date or session to show only sub-sessions at that day or location. Please select a single sub-session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in CEST. The current conference time is: 16th June 2023, 05:16:50pm CEST

Only Sessions at Location/Venue 
Session Overview
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Date: Wednesday, 19/Oct/2022
P.1.2: Climate Change-Atmos-CAL/VAL
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Chair: Prof. Ronald van der A
Chair: Prof. Minzheng Duan
10:40am - 10:50am

Poster Presentation

Vegetation Index Sensitivity Test Based on PROSPECT+SAIL Model —– a Preliminary Test Under the UAV4VAL Project

Xuerui Guo

University of Southampton, United Kingdom

P.2.2: Coastal Zones & Oceans
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Chair: Prof. Ole Baltazar Andersen
Chair: Prof. Qing Zhao
10:40am - 10:50am

Poster Presentation

Predicting Future Sea Level from Satellite Altimetry

Mads Ehrhorn, Ole Baltazar Andersen, Carsten Bjerre Ludwigsen, Tadea Veng

DTU Space, Denmark

10:50am - 11:00am

Poster Presentation

Characterising And Monitoring Phytoplankton Properties From Satellite Data

Conor Ross McGlinchey1, Jesus Torres Palenzuela2, Luis Gonzalez Vilas2, Adriana Constantinescu4, Adrian Stanica4, Mortimer Werther3, Dalin Jiang1, Andrew Tyler1, Evangelos Spyrakos1, Shenglei Wang5, Junsheng Li5

1: University of Stirling, United Kingdom; 2: University of Vigo, Spain; 3: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland; 4: GeoEcoMar, Romania; 5: Aerospace Information Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

11:00am - 11:10am

Poster Presentation

Investigation of Internal Waves in the South China Sea by Combining MITgcm and Spaceborne SAR Observations

Gang Li, Huimin Li, Yijun He

NUIST, China, People's Republic of

11:10am - 11:20am

Poster Presentation

Coherent/Incoherent Change Detection Experiments Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data and Random Forests

Pietro Mastro1, Antonio Pepe2

1: University of Basilicata, School of Engineering; 2: Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA), Italian National Research Council

11:20am - 11:30am

Poster Presentation

Non-Closure Phase of Multi-Look InSAR Triplets: A New Algorithm for the Mitigation of Phase Bias Phenomena

Francesco Falabella1,2,3, Antonio Pepe1

1: Institute for the Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA), National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, 80124 Naples, Italy; 2: Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA), National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, 85050 Tito, Italy; 3: University of Basilicata, Potenza, 85100, Italy

11:30am - 11:40am

Poster Presentation

Assessment of Natural Disaster mitigation Capability and Crucial Index at District Level in Shanghai with TOPSIS: A Case Study of Xuhui District

Zhengjie Li1,2,3, Qing Zhao1,2,3, Jingjing Wang1,2,3, Chengfang Yao1,2,3

1: Key Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China; 2: School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China; 3: Key Laboratory of Spatial-Temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai, China

11:40am - 11:50am

Poster Presentation

The Retrieval of recent-decade ground deformation time-series of Chongming Island in Shanghai with multi-platform MT-InSAR analysis

Chengfang Yao1,2,3, Qing Zhao1,2,3, Jingjing Wang1,2,3

1: Key Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2: School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 3: Key Laboratory of Spatial-Temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai 200241, China

11:50am - 12:00pm

Poster Presentation

A Novel Change Detection Method of Urban Area Based on Res-UNet with Coherence and Intensity Characteristics of SAR Time-Series Images

Chen Peng1,2,3, Zhao Qing1,2,3, Tang Maochuan1,2,3

1: Key Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2: School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 3: Key Laboratory of Spatial-Temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai 200241, China

12:00pm - 12:10pm

Poster Presentation

The Maximum Wave Height Acquisition from CFOSAT SWIM Based on Machine Learning

Jiuke Wang1, Lotfi Aouf2

1: National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center, China, People's Republic of; 2: Meteo France, France

P.3.2: Cryosphere & Hydrology
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Chair: Dr. Herve Yesou
Chair: Prof. Weiqiang Ma
10:40am - 10:50am

Poster Presentation

Evaluation And Validation Of Updated GlobSnow SWE Product

Pinja Venalainen, Kari Luojus, Juha Lemmetyinen, Jouni Pulliainen, Mikko Moisander, Matias Takala

Finnish meteorological institute, Finland

10:50am - 11:00am

Poster Presentation

Monitoring Water Extent And Water Level Of The Sensitive Lakes Of Intermediate Yangtze Basin Exploiting Sentinel2 And Icesat Data; Case Of The Anhui Province Lakes

Sabrine Amzil, Herve Yesou

ICUBE, University of Strasbourg

11:00am - 11:10am

Poster Presentation

Annual to seasonal glacier mass balance in High Mountain Asia from Pléiades stereo images: examples from the Pamir and the Tibetan Plateau

Daniel Falaschi1, Lei Huang2, Atanu Bhattacharya3, Kriti Mukherjee4, Owen King1, Gregoire Guillet5, Tobias Bolch1

1: University of St Andrews, United Kingdom; 2: Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; 3: Department of Remote Sensing & GIS, JIS University, Kolcata, India; 4: Cranfield University, UK; 5: Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

P.6.2: Solid Earth & Disaster Reduction
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Chair: Prof. Roberto Tomás
Chair: Prof. Mingsheng Liao
10:40am - 10:50am

Poster Presentation

Monitoring and Stability Analysis of the Deformationin Woda Landslide Area in Tibet, China by the DS-InSAR Method

Youfeng Liu1, Honglei Yang2

1: China University of Geoscience, China, People's Republic of China; 2: China University of Geoscience, China, People's Republic of china

10:50am - 11:00am

Poster Presentation

Archaeological Mapping Through Optical and SAR Imagery in the Hinterlands of Ostia and Portus (Italy)

Michele Abballe1, Francesca Cigna1, Deodato Tapete2

1: National Research Council - Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Italy; 2: Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italy

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