Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions and sub-session of this conference. Please select a date or session to show only sub-sessions at that day or location. Please select a single sub-session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in CEST. The current conference time is: 16th June 2023, 05:12:59pm CEST

Only Sessions at Location/Venue 
Session Overview
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Date: Wednesday, 19/Oct/2022
10:40am - 12:30pmP.1.2: Climate Change-Atmos-CAL/VAL
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Session Chair: Prof. Ronald van der A
Session Chair: Prof. Minzheng Duan
10:40am - 10:50am
ID: 266 / P.1.2: 1
Poster Presentation
Calibration and Validation: 58817 - Exploiting Uavs For Validating Decametric EO Data From Sentinel-2 and Gaofen-6 (UAV4VAL)

Vegetation Index Sensitivity Test Based on PROSPECT+SAIL Model —– a Preliminary Test Under the UAV4VAL Project

Xuerui Guo

University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Plant canopy characteristics are important indicators of several ecological and vegetation process. Vegetation Indices (VIs) are the most common used in these biophysical parameters retrieval, in which the most commonly used are Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). However, due to the different design of the remote sensors, the calculation for the same VI might be different for two different sensors. Under the project of UAV for validating the satellite sensors products. We tested the VI sensitivity and robust in different sensors’ calculation. The results showed a high correlation (>0.9) betweent the same VI calculated from different sensors. The NDVI calculated from two sensors are ralitively the same, while the EVI calculated from Sentinel2 sensor are slightly lower than those from UAV sensor. Both the NDVI and EVI showed a larger variantion for high dense vegetation. In general, this study confirmed the robust VI relationships with biophysical parameters for sensors from different platform. The large variation for dense vegetaiton could be noticed in the further reaseach.

10:40am - 12:30pmP.2.2: Coastal Zones & Oceans
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Session Chair: Prof. Ole Baltazar Andersen
Session Chair: Prof. Qing Zhao
10:40am - 10:50am
ID: 162 / P.2.2: 1
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 58900 - Marine Dynamic Environment Monitoring in the China Seas and Western Pacific Ocean Seas By Satellite Altimeters

Predicting Future Sea Level from Satellite Altimetry

Mads Ehrhorn, Ole Baltazar Andersen, Carsten Bjerre Ludwigsen, Tadea Veng

DTU Space, Denmark

As the satellite altimetry data record is now nearly 30 years old, it is possible to use deep learning to predict sea-level changes based on observations. Using Temporal Fusion Transformers, we propose a global- and regional sea-level change Python-based prediction framework that includes multivariate inputs, explainability, and modeling uncertainty.
By training a network on TOPEX/Jason/Sentinel-6 sea-level anomaly time series from multiple grid points, we construct a regional model that can capture non-linear spatiotemporal relationships from which we derive statistics and compare them to current empirical and mathematical models.
Even though Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) changes linearly with time (3 mm/year), this global average exhibits significant geographical variations. In addition, it covers a suite of regional non-linear signals varying in space and time.
Because deep learning can capture the non-linearity of the system, it offers an intriguing promise.
Furthermore, improving the mapping and understanding of these regional signals will enhance our ability to project sea level changes into the future.
This project focuses on the regional setting of the Western Pacific.


10:50am - 11:00am
ID: 149 / P.2.2: 2
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 59193 - Innovative User-Relevant Satellite Products For Coastal and Transitional Waters

Characterising And Monitoring Phytoplankton Properties From Satellite Data

Conor Ross McGlinchey1, Jesus Torres Palenzuela2, Luis Gonzalez Vilas2, Adriana Constantinescu4, Adrian Stanica4, Mortimer Werther3, Dalin Jiang1, Andrew Tyler1, Evangelos Spyrakos1, Shenglei Wang5, Junsheng Li5

1University of Stirling, United Kingdom; 2University of Vigo, Spain; 3Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland; 4GeoEcoMar, Romania; 5Aerospace Information Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) pose a great threat to human and animal health, their occurrence also has a significant impact on a variety of socio-economic and environmental factors. HAB events are now a global problem which affect food production, tourism, and ecosystem health. It is expected that the occurrence of HABs is likely to grow significantly with the increase in human population coupled with climate change. Phytoplankton size class (PSC) is suggested to be a good indicator of cell size, and considered to reflect the ecological and biogeochemical functional role of the phytoplankton present in the water column. Thus, it is important to be able to monitor PSCs, particularly in dynamic coastal waters where there are frequent changes in nutrients and phytoplankton community structure.

This study will draw on satellite sensors which differ in spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution: Sentinel-2 MSI, Sentinel-3 OLCI.The objectives of this study are to develop and validate HAB detection and Phytoplankton size classes (PSC) algorithms for near-shore and coastal waters, with better generalisation capability and lower computational overload that could improve the identification of the optical characteristics directly associated with phytoplankton properties

The research will be focused on four optically diverse regions of interest; The Danube Delta and Black Sea Coastline (Romania), Galician Coast (NW Spain), Shandong Peninsula Coast (China) and the Northern-South China Sea (China). Here, we will present results from the Galician coast and other European waters. We used in-situ data such as hyperspectral Remote Sensing Reflectance, Chlorophyll-a concentration, phytoplankton abundance and taxonomy, along with fractionated chlorophyll-a and particle absorption properties to develop and test the algorithms. We focus on the detection of Alexandrium minutum from Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI data. Existing PSC retrieval algorithms based on pigment cover, chlorophyll-a abundance, and phytoplankton absorption for coastal and transitional waters were tested. In addition, We tested different atmospheric correction models against in-situ hyperspectral data and evaluated their performance over coastal waters.

We will present results on the optical characteristics of A. minutum and the potential of MSI and OLCI for their remote detection. We will discuss our plans for the development of Super Learners for HAB indicators and PSC and the evaluation of the PSC algorithms.

149-McGlinchey-Conor Ross-Poster_Cn_version.pdf
149-McGlinchey-Conor Ross-Poster_PDF.pdf

11:00am - 11:10am
ID: 170 / P.2.2: 3
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 59373 - Investigation of internal Waves in Asian Seas Using European and Chinese Satellite Data

Investigation of Internal Waves in the South China Sea by Combining MITgcm and Spaceborne SAR Observations

Gang Li, Huimin Li, Yijun He

NUIST, China, People's Republic of

South China Sea (SCS) is one of the regions with frequent internal waves across the global ocean, making it the ideal bed for testing numerical models as well as the satellite measurements. In this study, we take advantage of the high-resolution hydrostatic MITgcm to constitute a dedicated model for the internal waves in SCS. The model outputs including three-dimensional current/temperature/salinity and surface height are at spatial resolution of 250 m every 3 hours. A practical algorithm to identify occurrence of internal waves events is proposed based on the gradient of surface height. Validations with the spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) measurements acquired during 2010-2019 as well as the optical MODIS observations show high consistency. This adds strong confidence to the performance of our configured MITgcm in future application of predicting and/or diagnosing the internal waves in SCS.


11:10am - 11:20am
ID: 119 / P.2.2: 4
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 58351 - Global Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, Extreme Events and Local Ground Subsidence Effects in Coastal and River Delta Regions Through Novel and integrated Remote Sensing Approaches (GREENISH)

Coherent/Incoherent Change Detection Experiments Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data and Random Forests

Pietro Mastro1, Antonio Pepe2

1University of Basilicata, School of Engineering; 2Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA), Italian National Research Council

One of the most important applications of remote sensing (RS) technologies is about the detection and monitoring of ground surface changes exploiting using multi-temporal, remotely-sensed images [1–2]. In this framework, optical RS sensors have extensively been applied for change detection in a variety of heterogeneous applications. Essentially, change detection is a process that analyzes two or more images captured over the same geographical area at different times to identify those significant land cover changes that have occurred. Unlike optical sensors, microwave RS images acquired by synthetic aperture radar (SAR) have less been exploited for CD purposes. Despite its complexity, SAR images in change detection [3–4] are attractive from the operational viewpoint since SAR sensors are active instruments that operate in any atmospheric and sunlight conditions. In this work, we clarify the potential of coherent and incoherent CD approaches and we introduce the practical use of synthetic CD indices that can jointly be used to extract changed areas. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have already demonstrated their value [5-6]. Specifically, we generated series of CDI’s and we trained a random forest using these data and a set of external information on the state of observed scenes. The developed method has been tested considering as main events responsible for the observed changes the fires affecting the Sardinia and Sicily Island in 2021 as well as a flood event occurred in Houston Galvestone bay area. The main objectives of this study, whose results have recently published in [7], are to discuss the statistical properties, as well as the pros and cons, of CDIs based on the use of SAR backscattering (sigma nought) and InSAR coherence maps for the fast detection of changed areas. The role of machine learning methodologies, and the specific use of Random Forests (RF) [8] in CD tasks, is emphasized and some results obtained using Sentinel-1 SAR data are presented. Experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed integrated SAR/RF method for the fast mapping of fired/flooded zones and can further be extended to perform analyses in other contexts, such as the analysis of changes occurring in urban scenarios, considering the specific characteristics of these new environments.


  1. Hansen, M.C.; Loveland, T.R. A Review of Large Area Monitoring of Land Cover Change Using Landsat Data. Remote Sens. Environ. 2012, 122, 66-74.
  2. Bruzzone, L.; Prieto, D.F. Automatic Analysis of the Difference Image for Unsupervised Change Detection. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2000, 38, 1171–1182.
  3. Bovolo, F.; Bruzzone, L. A Detail-Preserving Scale-Driven Approach to Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2005, 43, 2963–2972.
  4. Conradsen, K.; Nielsen, A.A.; Sehou, J.; Skriver, H. A Test Statistic in the Complex Wishart Distribution and Its Application to Change Detection in Polarimetric SAR Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2003, 41, 4–19.
  5. Khelifi, L.; Mignotte, M. Deep Learning for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images: Comprehensive Review and Meta- Analysis. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 126385–126400.
  6. Shi, W.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, R.; Chen, S.; Zhan, Z. Change Detection Based on Artificial Intelligence: State-of-the-Art and Challenges. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1688.
  7. Mastro, P.; Masiello, G.; Serio, C.; Pepe, A. Change Detection Techniques with Synthetic Aperture Radar Images: Experiments with Random Forests and Sentinel-1 Observations. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3323.
  8. Breiman,L.RandomForests.Mach.Learn.2001,45,5–32.

11:20am - 11:30am
ID: 143 / P.2.2: 5
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 58351 - Global Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, Extreme Events and Local Ground Subsidence Effects in Coastal and River Delta Regions Through Novel and integrated Remote Sensing Approaches (GREENISH)

Non-Closure Phase of Multi-Look InSAR Triplets: A New Algorithm for the Mitigation of Phase Bias Phenomena

Francesco Falabella1,2,3, Antonio Pepe1

1Institute for the Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA), National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, 80124 Naples, Italy; 2Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA), National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, 85050 Tito, Italy; 3University of Basilicata, Potenza, 85100, Italy

The measures of the Earth’s ground deformation by using multi-temporal interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) algorithms [1], [2] is nowadays a consolidated and mature practice that allows to have a really high accuracy, of the order of few millimeters [3], [4] in the line-of-sight direction of the SAR sensor. Among the different multi-temporal InSAR processors, a significant role is played by those algorithms based on the use of small-baseline (SB) multi-look (ML) interferograms [2], [5], which are less affected by decorrelation noise artefacts [6]. The conventional ML interferograms are independently generated by averaging adjacent neighbor pixels, in this way, the signal-to-noise ratio drastically increases and the analysis of the distributed scatterers becomes possible, or to some extent, less challenging. The previous multi-look operation involves the average of the information relating to each family of scatterers present in the single look pixels that will contribute to each multi-look pixel. Recently, in [7] has been observed that some inconsistencies in the InSAR products (i.e., ground deformation time-series and mean deformation velocity maps) may happen when sets of multi-look SAR interferograms with very short temporal baselines are processed, compared to those obtained using interferograms with longer temporal baselines. Such spurious signals lead to systematic biases [7] that, if not adequately compensated for, might lead to unreliable InSAR ground displacement products.

In this work, we propose a technique to estimate and correct a set of multi-look SB interferograms that is based on computing and analyzing exclusively sets of (wrapped) non-closure phase triplets. The developed phase estimation method works on every single SAR pixel independently, assuming the (unknown) phase bias signal could be approximated with a second order expansion, basically, as the sum of a constant phase velocity term v and a time-dependent (i.e., dependent on the interferograms temporal baseline) phase velocity difference terms Δv(Δti), where Δti is the temporal baseline of the generic i-th interferogram. Once the whole set of triplets that could be formed using short baseline ML interferograms is identified, and considering the mathematical properties of the triplets non-closure phases, we can write an overdetermined system of linear equations, where the known terms are the measured wrapped non-closure phases over the set of identified triplets, namely ΔΦtriplets, and the unknowns are the temporal-baseline-dependent phase velocity difference terms Δv. For example, considering the Sentinel 1-A/B sensors, the temporal baseline is sampled with an atomic sampling time of six days; accordingly, if we accept, for instance, a threshold of 96 days for the maximum allowed temporal baseline of the selected SB interferograms, we have 16 unknowns to be estimated. Once the linear system is solved in the Least-Squares sense, the phase biases at the different temporal baselines, namely ΔΦbias, are iteratively retrieved by doing a backward integration step, assuming as the initial condition that the phase bias at the maximum considered temporal baseline is zero, that is Δφbias(max_temp_bas)=0.

Simulated tests show the validity of the proposed method. In addition, real experiments performed on sets of Sentinel1-A/B SAR data in different geo-morphological conditions, are in accordance with the synthetic experiment, confirming the effectiveness of the developed methodology. Furthermore, we performed some simulations and experiments to test the validity of an extension of the developed method to the non-stationary case, e.g., when the phase bias signals depend on the specific single time acquisitions of the SAR images involved in the SB interferograms generation, and not only on their temporal baselines. Further developments are still needed to understand what useful information we can extract from these estimated phases that represent a bias on displacement estimation, but they could be a resource for estimating other signals, such as being soil moisture.


[1] A. Ferretti, C. Prati, and F. Rocca, «Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry», IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 39, n. 1, pagg. 8–20, gen. 2001, doi: 10.1109/36.898661.

[2] P. Berardino, G. Fornaro, R. Lanari, and E. Sansosti, «A new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms», IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 40, n. 11, pagg. 2375–2383, 2002.

[3] A. Ferretti et al., «Submillimeter Accuracy of InSAR Time Series: Experimental Validation», IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 45, n. 5, pagg. 1142–1153, mag. 2007, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2007.894440.

[4] F. Casu, M. Manzo, and R. Lanari, «A quantitative assessment of the SBAS algorithm performance for surface deformation retrieval from DInSAR data», Remote Sens. Environ., vol. 102, n. 3, pagg. 195–210, giu. 2006, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2006.01.023.

[5] F. Falabella, C. Serio, G. Zeni, and A. Pepe, «On the Use of Weighted Least-Squares Approaches for Differential Interferometric SAR Analyses: The Weighted Adaptive Variable-lEngth (WAVE) Technique», Sensors, vol. 20, n. 4, Art. n. 4, gen. 2020, doi: 10.3390/s20041103.

[6] H. A. Zebker and J. Villasenor, «Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes», IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 30, n. 5, pagg. 950–959, set. 1992, doi: 10.1109/36.175330.

[7] H. Ansari, F. De Zan, and A. Parizzi, «Study of Systematic Bias in Measuring Surface Deformation With SAR Interferometry», IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 59, n. 2, pagg. 1285–1301, feb. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3003421.


11:30am - 11:40am
ID: 151 / P.2.2: 6
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 58351 - Global Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, Extreme Events and Local Ground Subsidence Effects in Coastal and River Delta Regions Through Novel and integrated Remote Sensing Approaches (GREENISH)

Assessment of Natural Disaster mitigation Capability and Crucial Index at District Level in Shanghai with TOPSIS: A Case Study of Xuhui District

Zhengjie Li1,2,3, Qing Zhao1,2,3, Jingjing Wang1,2,3, Chengfang Yao1,2,3

1Key Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China; 2School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China; 3Key Laboratory of Spatial-Temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai, China

In the context of global climate change, frequent natural disasters have caused great harm to economic and social development, human life safety, ecosystems and many other aspects, and have a profound impact on regional sustainable development. According to the EM-DAT database (Emergency Events Database), there were about 4,200 major natural disasters in the world with more than 1 million deaths, 2.1 billion people directly affected, and direct economic losses as high as $1.7242 trillion from 2004 to 2014.

As the economic center of China, Shanghai is a mega-city with a permanent population of more than 24 million. There are dense various kinds of buildings and major infrastructures. As a coastal city, it is vulnerable to typhoon, rainstorm, waterlogging, storm surge and red tide. Besides, it is also under threat of lightning strike and high temperature due to global warming and its location in the monsoon region. According to the historical disaster survey of the First National Survey on Integrated Risk of Natural Disasters in Shanghai, the natural disasters that have a greater impact on Shanghai are mainly typhoon, flood and hail. Coastal districts in Shanghai, including Pudong New District, Baoshan District, Fengxian District, Jinshan District and Chongming District, are also affected by marine disaster such as storm surges. In addition, Shanghai is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, formed by alluvial sediment. As a result, geological disasters such as land subsidence are also prone to occur with the rapid economic development and frequent land reclamation activities. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out assessment of natural disaster mitigation capability, and then to improve natural disaster mitigation capability. Based on this, the government can make disaster-prevention strategies to minimize casualties and property damage when disaster strikes.

This study is based on the index system of natural disaster mitigation capability in the First National Survey on Integrated Risk of Natural Disasters. TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution)is utilized to assess natural disaster mitigation capability in Xuhui District at township level as assessment unit. The capability of disaster reduction of the 13 streets and towns in Xuhui district are divided into four levels, "strong", "secondary strong", "medium" and "weak". We analyzed the impact of weight change of the index system on the assessment results. The results show that weight change can change the assessment results, but the changes are not significant. Furthermore, we found out the key index that affect the assessment on natural disaster mitigation capability on township level in Xuhui District by simulating various reasonable values and made thematic maps of natural disaster mitigation capability of Xuhui District.

Keywords: the First National Survey on Integrated Risk of Natural Disasters; assessment of natural disaster mitigation capability; TOPSIS; weight change; key index; Xuhui District; Shanghai


11:40am - 11:50am
ID: 159 / P.2.2: 7
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 58351 - Global Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, Extreme Events and Local Ground Subsidence Effects in Coastal and River Delta Regions Through Novel and integrated Remote Sensing Approaches (GREENISH)

The Retrieval of recent-decade ground deformation time-series of Chongming Island in Shanghai with multi-platform MT-InSAR analysis

Chengfang Yao1,2,3, Qing Zhao1,2,3, Jingjing Wang1,2,3

1Key Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 3Key Laboratory of Spatial-Temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai 200241, China

Chongming Island is the third largest island in China. It is also the largest estuarine alluvial island in the world. The island is located in the mouth of the Yangtze River, covering an area of 1361.11 km2. The shallow strata in Chongming Island are formed late, and most of them are marine continental interactive sedimentation. The large void ratio, high water content and incomplete natural consolidation process of soil layer lead to significant compression deformation. Statistic datasets show that the maximum land subsidence was more than –500 mm, and the subsidence rate exceeded –50 mm/year from 1995-2005 in the reclamation area of eastern Chongming Island. Due to the long land formation in the west of Chongming Island, the subsidence rate also reached –5.0 mm/year in the same period. Serious land subsidence can not only damage public infrastructure and buildings, but also lead to natural disasters such as seawater backflow and storm surge. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the settlement of Chongming Island. The objective of this study is to investigate the ground deformation in Chongming Island by using three space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite datasets to retrieve the recent decade deformation time-series of Chongming Island, and is to address the problem of evaluating the error budget of multi-platform MT-InSAR deformation time-series combination.

Three independent SAR datasets (from Radarsat-2 Multi-Look Fine (RST-2MF), Radarsat-2 Wide (RST-2W) and Sentinel-1A (S1A)) were used to investigate the land subsidence in Chongming Island. The first dataset consisted of 21 SAR images, acquired by the Radarsat-2 sensors in the multi-look fine (MF) mode from August 2009 to December 2013. The second SAR dataset was collected acquired by the Radarsat-2 sensors in the wide mode, from January 2012 to December 2016 and consisted of 44 SAR images. The third dataset consisted of 120 SAR images, acquired by the S1A sensors from July 2015 to June 2020. The Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) algorithm is independently applied to available SAR datasets to generate the corresponding ground displacement time-series. Then, the singular value decomposition (SVD) method is used to jointly analyze the deformation time series of datasets with time overlap. Finally, the accuracy of joint time series obtained by SVD algorithm is analyzed by using the error propagation law. First, ground deformation time-series of the three SAR satellite datasets were retrieved by SBAS. On this basis, the SVD method is used to jointly analyze the deformation time series of the common high coherence points of RST-2MF and RST-2W, so as to obtain the RST-2MF/RST-2W-SBAS deformation time series with a time span from August 2009 to December 2016. Then, the RST-2MF/RST-2W-SBAS deformation time series and S1A-SBAS deformation time series are jointly analyzed with the same method to obtain the RST-2MF/RST-2W/S1A-SBAS deformation time series from August 2009 to June 2020. Finally, aiming at the noise caused by decoherence as the source error of SVD method, the error propagation theory is applied to all common high coherence points in the study area, so as to obtain the error distribution of SVD method in Chongming Island.

Deformation time series derived from SBAS retrieved using 2009-2013 RST-2MF, 2012-2016 RST-2W and 2015-2020 S1A datasets. To combine RST-2MF-SBAS, RST-2W-SBAS and S1A-SBAS deformation time series in Chongming Island, a long-term deformation time series more than 10 years (2009-2020) is obtained. The statistical analysis results show that the mean values of deformation accumulation in three period (2009-2013,2012-2016 and 2015-2020) are, –16 mm, –11 mm and –7 mm respectively, and the corresponding annual average deformation rates are –5 mm/year, –1.7 mm/ year and –1.5 mm/year respectively. The RST-2MF/RST-2W/S1A-SBAS deformation time series shows that 98% of high coherence points of the cumulative deformation variables in the study area in recent decade are distributed between –120 mm ~ 20 mm, and the corresponding annual average deformation rate is distributed between –15 mm/year ~ 2 mm/year. The settlement rate of some reclamation areas in the east of Chongming exceeds –15 mm/year, and the cumulative settlement in recent decade has reached –200 mm. The error distribution of Chongming Island SVD method with a mean value of 5 mm and a standard deviation of 4 mm is obtained by error propagation method.


11:50am - 12:00pm
ID: 168 / P.2.2: 8
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 58351 - Global Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, Extreme Events and Local Ground Subsidence Effects in Coastal and River Delta Regions Through Novel and integrated Remote Sensing Approaches (GREENISH)

A Novel Change Detection Method of Urban Area Based on Res-UNet with Coherence and Intensity Characteristics of SAR Time-Series Images

Chen Peng1,2,3, Zhao Qing1,2,3, Tang Maochuan1,2,3

1Key Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 3Key Laboratory of Spatial-Temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai 200241, China

Change detection is to quantitatively analyze and determine the characteristics and process of earth surface change based on remote sensing data in different periods. It is widely used in disaster dynamic detection, urban planning and other fields[1]. With the impact of globalization, monitoring of urban changes with remote sensing images is becoming more and more important. Among remote sensing images, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are independent of solar illumination and atmospheric condition[2]. In this study, we focus on SAR images that are the sources of useful information in change detection. Speckle noise is an inherent problem of SAR images. It greatly influences the performance of change detection using SAR images. The study proposes a change detection method based on an end-to-end UNet with residual blocks(Res-UNet) model, in which the residual blocks can avoid the gradient disappearance and gradient explosion caused by the deepening of the network[3], and the encoding and decoding structure can improve the robustness to different levels of noise.

This study uses high-resolution TerraSAR-X(TSX) time-series images covering Shanghai. The acquisition time of TSX datasets is from 16 October 2015 to 19 August 2016. Before training the network, we pre-process TSX images to get amplitude information and coherent information. Amplitude information is obtained by pre-processing single look complex (SLC) images, including radiometric correction, multilooking processing and geocoding. Coherent information is obtained by performing interferometry and computing coherence values of interferograms. Res-UNet model is utilized to distinguish between changed and unchanged areas, which mainly consists of an encoder and an decoder. The encoder composed of four sequential convolution blocks with residual structure, each followed by a max pooling operation, is used to extract change features from the input images. The decoder is utilized to restore the input to its original size, which is composed of four sequential blocks of a transpose convolution operation with a stride of 2, each followed by the previously described convolution blocks. Res-UNet also uses skip connections between the encoder and the decoder, adding fine-grained shallow features to coarse-grained deep features[4]. Finally, a 1 × 1 convolution followed by a sigmoid activation function is used to create a one-band output with values between 0 and 1.

We evaluate the accuracy of Res-UNet model using amplitude information and coherent information. The results show that the method is reliable in urban change detection and performs better than other advanced change detection methods. Its Precision, Recall, F1-Score and Overall Accuracy reach 84.3%, 76.6%, 80.2% and 99.7% respectively.


12:00pm - 12:10pm
ID: 190 / P.2.2: 9
Poster Presentation
Ocean and Coastal Zones: 59329 - Research and Application of Deep Learning For Improvement and Assimilation of Significant Wave Height and Directional Wave Spectra From Multi-Missions

The Maximum Wave Height Acquisition from CFOSAT SWIM Based on Machine Learning

Jiuke Wang1, Lotfi Aouf2

1National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center, China, People's Republic of; 2Meteo France, France

The maximum wave height (Hmax) is an extremely important factor that has a significant impact on the safety of maritime activities. However, the Hmax is much less investigated than significant wave height (SWH) in the wave remote sensing. Nowadays, radar altimeters and CFOSAT provide the SWH operational but without Hmax products. A method of obtaining the Hmax from CFOSAT SWIM Level 2 parameters is presented. The buoys are the most reliable way to observe the Hmax, but the collocations between buoys and CFOSAT tracks are too few to perform the supervised learning training. The ERA5 wave reanalysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is one of the most accurate datasets. However, the obvious bias and scatter index of Hmax are found from the comparison between ERA5 and buoys located west of France. A machine learning model is firstly built to reduce the error of ERA5 Hmax. Then the corrected ERA5 Hmax is collocated with CFOSAT observations and used for the training target of SWIM Hmax retrieval. The SWIM parameters both from SWIM nadir and boxes, including the SWH, wavelength and wave partition information, are used to obtain the Hmax based on machine learning. The CFOSAT data in 2021 are used to train the Hmax machine learning model while the data in 2020 are used to perform the independent validation. The bias, RMSE and scatter index of CFOSAT Hmax are 0.01m, 0.51m, 16%, while 0.77m, 1.09m, 19% are for the ERA5. Therefore, this study provides a perspective to obtain the Hmax from satellite remote sensing for further applications such as marine forecasts.

10:40am - 12:30pmP.3.2: Cryosphere & Hydrology
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Session Chair: Dr. Herve Yesou
Session Chair: Prof. Weiqiang Ma
10:40am - 10:50am
ID: 180 / P.3.2: 1
Poster Presentation
Cryosphere and Hydrology: 59343 - Validation and Calibration of RS Products of Cryosphere and Hydrology

Evaluation And Validation Of Updated GlobSnow SWE Product

Pinja Venalainen, Kari Luojus, Juha Lemmetyinen, Jouni Pulliainen, Mikko Moisander, Matias Takala

Finnish meteorological institute, Finland

Snow water equivalent (SWE) is an important property of the seasonal snow cover and estimates of SWE are required in many hydrological and climatological applications, such as climate model evaluation and forecasting freshwater availability. Spaceborne microwave radiometer observations can be used to produce remote sensing SWE products. The reliability and accuracy of the SWE estimates made using microwave radiometer data can be improved by assimilating radiometer observations with weather station snow depth observations. The ESA GlobSnow and succeeding projects have produced a family of daily SWE products that utilize the assimilation approach. In this research, we are validating the updated version of the GlobSnow SWE product.

In the updated GlobSnow SWE product spatially and temporally varying snow densities are implemented into the retrieval. In the older product, constant snow density was used despite the location or time of winter. Updates were found to improve the SWE product. The underestimation of large SWE values was improved as was the overestimation of small SWE values. In Finland, the RMSE and MAE were improved from 39.40 mm to 33.87 mm and from 29.51 mm to 24.27 mm, respectively. The timing of the peak snow mass of the updated SWE product was also two weeks later than in the original GlobSnow SWE product. The timing of the peak snow mass of the updated product is more in line with other snow mass estimates.


10:50am - 11:00am
ID: 259 / P.3.2: 2
Poster Presentation
Cryosphere and Hydrology: 58815 - Impacts of Future Climate Change On Water Quality and Ecosystem in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River

Monitoring Water Extent And Water Level Of The Sensitive Lakes Of Intermediate Yangtze Basin Exploiting Sentinel2 And Icesat Data; Case Of The Anhui Province Lakes

Sabrine Amzil, Herve Yesou

ICUBE, University of Strasbourg

Lakes in the basin of the Yangtze River, play a fundamental role in regional bio-geochemical cycles and provide major services to the communities, provisioning services (drinking water, fishing) and biodiversity keeping. However, the extreme temporal and spatial variability of these massive but extremely shallow ecosystems prevents a reliable quantification of their dynamics with respect to changes in climate and land use. Final aim is to model, map and explain the distribution of biodiversity and their associated habitats, explaining spatio-temporal changes in biodiversity caused by biotic and abiotic factors. Final aim is to model, map and explain the distribution of biodiversity and their associated habitats, explaining spatio-temporal changes in biodiversity caused by biotic and abiotic factors. Within this dragon 5 project ID 58815 three set of water bodies having rich biodiversity ,are taken into account the lakes of the Poyang Lake natural reserve, Jiangxi Province (BangHu, Mexihu, Dahuchi, Dachahu, Zonghuchi, Shahu ), the water bodies of the Western Dongting lake, Hunan Porvince (Xiaoxi, Daxi, Caisang,) and the disconnected lakes of the Anhui Province (Wuchang , Shenjin, Baiding Lakes ) .

In order to monitor water extent and water level of these lakes , Sentinel2 imagery have been proceed potential of IceSAT 2 data for given precise level reference was investigated. More precisely Lake water extent have been be generated exploiting Sentinel 2 optical HR time series based over the period 2015-2022 on in house tool, ExtractEO, a software implementing automated end-to-end chains on satellite data, with a focus on Sentinel1_3. Water surfaces are detected using a multilayer perceptron algorithm and integrating the GSW database for sampling.

Results obtain over the sensitive Anhui lakes, will be presented and discussed. Based on these preliminary results, guidelines for further investigation will be also presented.


11:00am - 11:10am
ID: 272 / P.3.2: 3
Poster Presentation
Cryosphere and Hydrology: 59344 - Detailed Contemporary Glacier Changes in High Mountain Asia Using Multi-Source Satellite Data

Annual to seasonal glacier mass balance in High Mountain Asia from Pléiades stereo images: examples from the Pamir and the Tibetan Plateau

Daniel Falaschi1, Lei Huang2, Atanu Bhattacharya3, Kriti Mukherjee4, Owen King1, Gregoire Guillet5, Tobias Bolch1

1University of St Andrews, United Kingdom; 2Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; 3Department of Remote Sensing & GIS, JIS University, Kolcata, India; 4Cranfield University, UK; 5Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Glaciers are crucial sources of freshwater in particular for the arid lowlands surrounding High Mountain Asia. In order to better constrain glacio-hydrological models, annual, or even better, seasonal information about glacier mass changes is highly beneficial. In this study, we test the suitability of very high-resolution Pleiades DEMs to measure glacier-wide mass balance at annual and seasonal scales in two regions of High Mountain Asia (Muztagh Ata in Eastern Pamir and parts of western Nyainqentanglha, South-central Tibetan Plateau) where recent estimates have shown contrasting glacier behavior. Annual mass balance in Muztagh Ata between 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 were -0.24 ±0.19 m w.e. a-1 and +0.17 ±0.35 m w.e. a-1, respectively. These results suggest a greater variability in mass budget than previously acknowledged in the region. The 2022 winter (+0.17 ±0.64 m w.e. a-1) and summer (-0.89 ±0.41 m w.e. a-1) balances provide provisional evidence for a winter accumulation regime, although mass balance uncertainties remain high in some cases due to the short temporal baseline. On the contrary, annual mass balances in the Western Nyainqentanglha Range for similar periods show highly negative mass budgets (-0.87 ±0.22 m w.e. a-1 and -0.52 ±0.11 m w.e. a-1), suggesting increased mass loss compared to the six previous decades. With some limitations due to the high uncertainty, the winter (-0.05 ±0.70 m w.e. a-1) mass balance estimate does not show any mass recovery. Work is underway to compare the geodetic results with ICESAT-2 measurements and a snowline-fed mass balance model.

10:40am - 12:30pmP.6.2: Solid Earth & Disaster Reduction
Session: Poster (Adjudicated/Networking)
Session Chair: Prof. Roberto Tomás
Session Chair: Prof. Mingsheng Liao
10:40am - 10:50am
ID: 249 / P.6.2: 1
Poster Presentation
Solid Earth: 56796 - Integration of Multi-Source RS Data to Detect and Monitoring Large and Rapid Landslides and Use of Artificial Intelligence For Cultural Heritage Preservation

Monitoring and Stability Analysis of the Deformationin Woda Landslide Area in Tibet, China by the DS-InSAR Method

Youfeng Liu1, Honglei Yang2

1China University of Geoscience, China, People's Republic of China; 2China University of Geoscience, China, People's Republic of china

The upper-Jinsha River region has steep terrain and broken structures, causing landslide disasters frequently. Thus, it is important to monitor the surface deformation and analyze the stability in this area. Here we use the distributed scatterer interferometric SAR (DS-InSAR) method is used to monitor and analyze the Woda landslide area. Employing the hypothesis test of confidence interval (HTCI) algorithm we select the statistically homogeneous pixel (SHP) and using adaptive spatial nonlocal filtering method based on the identified SHP for phase optimization to select DS points. The obvious advantage is that DS points are used together with persistent scatterer (PS) points to increase the density of monitoring points in the study area. By the DS-InSAR method, we derive the deformation of the Woda landslide area from 106 Sentinel-1A ascending images acquired in 2014/11/05~2019/09/04 and 102 Sentinel-1A descending images acquired in 2014/10/31~2019/09/11. The two-dimensional deformation of the landslide area shows that the maximum surface deformation rate in the normal direction is -80.3 mm/yr, and in the east-west direction is 117.7 mm/yr. In addition, according to the rescaled range (R/S) analysis, the Hurst index of the deformation trends are all greater than 0.5, which means the deformation trend will continue for some time. Our monitoring results can be used for landslide disaster prevention in mountainous areas.


10:50am - 11:00am
ID: 120 / P.6.2: 2
Poster Presentation
Solid Earth: 58113 - SARchaeology: Exploiting Satellite SAR For Archaeological Prospection and Heritage Site Protection

Archaeological Mapping Through Optical and SAR Imagery in the Hinterlands of Ostia and Portus (Italy)

Michele Abballe1, Francesca Cigna1, Deodato Tapete2

1National Research Council - Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Italy; 2Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italy

The area around Ostia and Portus, in the hinterland of Rome (Italy), is well-known for being inhabited and occupied for millennia, with the first traces dating to the Eneolithic, although most archaeological remains and monuments date to the Roman period. Furthermore, it offers a wealth of natural features related to both the Tiber river and the prograding Tyrrhenian coast. As such, it has been selected as an ideal case to investigate the visibility of archaeological cropmarks in temperate environments based on satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data and their suitability for archaeological mapping following the common practice exploited by field archaeologists.

A comprehensive revision of previous research on the hinterlands of Ostia and Portus was first undertaken. Previous studies ranged from remote sensing observations, extensive geophysics, and targeted and random archaeological investigations. These legacy data have been integrated by systematically analysing all historical aerial photos and optical satellite images freely available online such as Google Earth (2002-2022), ESRI basemaps (2011-2021) and Bing (2020). This wide collection of both anthropogenic and natural features, arranged and catalogued in a GIS database with metadata and reference to the information sources, provides the basis for assessing the effectiveness of SAR-based archaeological prospection in this temperate environment.

The few publications exploiting X-band SAR data in this area have shown how multi-temporal averaging of a series of images with similar acquisition parameters helps reduce speckle and improve the readability of archaeological features. However, in Ostia and Portus the fields' state could change abruptly due to harvesting, ploughing and/or farming-related burning. Thus, to understand how these sudden land use / land cover changes affect the multi-temporal averages, we are analysing 10 m resolution Sentinel-2 and 3 m resolution PlanetScope multispectral images to evaluate any significant modification that has occurred in the most recent years. Specifically, the assessment is made for fields where crop marks are visible, by highlighting any changes through True and False Color visualisations and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) index.

The dynamics of local land use / land cover changes are then used to support the analysis of very high resolution SAR images that are being collected by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) via a tailored monitoring campaign with COSMO-SkyMed constellation in SpotLight mode (1 m resolution) since August 2021. Various filters used in the literature, including the Lee Sigma and Adaptive filters, are tested to improve the readability of the archaeological cropmarks and to identify the most suitable filtering parameters enabling an archaeologist to discern buried structures.

In addition, to keep monitoring the fields of archaeological relevance, a targeted SkySat multispectral image collection at 50 cm resolution has been tasked since July 2022 via the ESA Cat-1/EO Data User Project GEOARCHAMMI. Repeated on-site verifications are carried out on the occasion of the SkySat image collection for ground-truthing.

The intended goal is to achieve a spatial mapping of archaeological features visible from satellite data that, in combination with those known from the literature, can be used by an archaeologist to improve the understanding of settlement patterns and the environmental evolution of this cultural landscape.


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